Action B.4: Transferibility and replicability in Mediterranean countries

To ensure the transferability and replicability of the solutions and products developed during the project, Life SEPOSSO has undertaken a series of meetings and networking activities with the main European players involved in the management and governance of the Posidonia oceanica meadows.


Life Seposso participated on 15-17 September 2020 in the international workshop “Training workshop in coastal wetlands and seagrass meadows restoration, based in Blue Carbon actions” organized by IUCN Mediterranean Cooperation Center and Life Blue Natura.

The aim of the workshop focused on increasing the knowledge of participants in different actions, including the restoration and protection of ecosystems such as coastal wetlands and seagrass meadows, which by capturing CO2, contribute in mitigating the climate change.

The scientific coordinators of Life SEPOSSO participated in the workshop as speakers, transferring the experiences gained from the Life SEPOSSO project to the workshop participants. The central theme of the restoration of seagrass beds in a coastal environment, and related management tools, was explored, guiding participants through the aspects of planning, design, development and maintenance of these ecosystems.

During the workshop, carried out online, the scientific coordinators of Life SEPOSSO presented the following contributions:

  • Overview of Posidonia oceanica restoration projects in Italy: results and lessons learnt from project implementation” by Tiziano Bacci, ISPRA.
  • The governance process regulating an effectiveness seagrass restoration” by Barbara La Porta, ISPRA.

The program of the workshop:

Agenda training workshop coastal wetlands and seagrass meadows restoration EN