Action B.4: Technical manuals of SEPOSSO project

The technical manuals critically summarize the main information coming from the other project actions concerning the process of evaluating the feasibility, operating methods and control of the Posdonia oceanica transplant.

The “Manual for the planning, implementation and monitoring of Posidonia oceanica transplantations” describes the various aspects of management and assessment of transplant feasibility, such as: site characterisation and evaluation of the prairie (recipient and donor), choice of transplantation technique, choice of cuttings, monitoring activities of the transplantation intervention, verification of the success of the transplantation intervention and protection and surveillance activities of the transplantation site. In addition, basic aspects of transplant governance are covered.


Manual for the planning, implementation and
monitoring of transplantation of Posidonia oceanica – ENG

Manuale per la pianificazione, realizzazione e monitoraggio
dei trapianti di Posidonia oceanica – ITA


The “Manual of techniques and procedures for the transplantation of Posidonia oceanica” describes the transplantation techniques of P. oceanica used in Italy within the framework of environmental restoring activities, also as compensation measures within Environmental Impact Assessments.


Manual of techniques and procedures for the
transplantation of Posidonia oceanica – ENG

Manuale delle tecniche e delle procedure operative
per il trapianto di Posidonia oceanica – ITA