Funded by the EU LIFE Programme Project LIFE16 GIT/IT/000761
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Bacci et al. 2024. Long-term response of Posidonia oceanica meadow restoration at the population and plant level_implications for management decisions
Bacci et al. 2024. Macrozoobenthic assemblages and leaf epiphytes associated with a Posidonia oceanica meadow restored
La Porta et al. 2023. Is Posidonia oceanica shoot transplantation a suitable measure of compensation?
Bacci et al. 2023. Posidonia oceanica shoot micro-distribution patterns in a 13 year old transplant site
Zenone et al. 2021. Stakeholders’ Attitudes about the Transplantations of the Mediterranean Seagrass Posidonia oceanica as a Habitat Restoration Measure after Anthropogenic Impacts: A Q Methodology Approach
Bacci et al. 2019. Il Life S.E.POS.S.O. monitora i trapianti di Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in Italia
Tomasello et al. 2019. Construction underwater landscape by using Posidonia oceanica transplanting combined with innovative artificial reefs