Action B.4: training courses of SEPOSSO project

The training courses are aimed at sharing knowledge and tools developed in Life SEPOSSO project for the management of Posidonia oceanica meadows in environmental assessments. The issues concern the sharing of project products, such as the technical manuals, the Guidelines and the web platform (Posidonia Transplanting Web platform – PTWP) which are configured as operational, methodological, regulatory support tools, oriented to the different types of Stakeholders involved in the Governance of the prairies.


1st series Webinar Training Courses: Management of Posidonia oceanica meadows in environmental assessments

The courses have been divided into four chapters:

  1. Guidelines and PTWP platform as management tools for Posidonia oceanica meadows in environmental assessments
    In this session the two LLGGs produced and the Posidonia Web Platform are presented and shared (PTWP), contextualizing their use in the context of Environmental Assessments (VIA and VINCA), both national and regional, marine – coastal works or projects that can potentially cause damage to Posidonia meadows oceanic. These products represent the tools, to date, missing for an effective and efficient planning of these works or projects also allowing to improve the feasibility assessment, the methods of realization of the compensation measures for damage to the Posidonia meadows and their control.
  2. “The transplant of Posidonia oceanica: planning, techniques and monitoring”
    In this session the two Technical Manuals are presented and shared, contextualizing their use in the context of planning, implementation and monitoring of P. oceanica transplant activities. These products, next to the applications of the Posidonia Web Platform (PTWP) represent the tools, to date, missing for one effective and efficient planning of these activities, allowing to improve the performance of the transplants themselves and of the their monitoring.
  3. “The management of Posidonia oceanica meadows: natural capital and ecosystem services”.
    In this session the Technical Guide for Environmental Assessments “Technical guide on the economic assessment of environmental impacts on P. oceanica meadows” is presented.
  4. “Posidonia web platform (PTWP) a low coding platform”.
    In this session, the versatility of the Posidonia Web Platform (PTWP), used for the management of P. oceanica meadows, is presented.
    management of P. oceanica meadows, EIA procedures and requirements, which can be easily managed and customised.
    easily managed and customised in interactive visual mode.


The 4 courses, held on 22, 23 and 24 March, were carried out in synchronous webinar mode on the ISPRA platform.

The full programme of courses:

Programme_webinar_22-23-24_March 2021-SEPOSSO

2nd series E-learning training courses: Regulatory and methodological tools for the governance of Posidonia oceanica transplants in the context of environmental assessments (EIA and Appropriate Assessment)

In seguito alla prima serie di corsi, grazie ai feedback raccolti dai partecipanti e dall’interazione con gli stakeholder, i contenuti dei webinar sono stati ulteriormente consolidati e arricchiti con i risultati delle analisi e dei prodotti sviluppati nel corso del progetto (Manuali e Linee Guida). Ciò ha portato alla realizzazione dei corsi e-learning, orientati ad un’ampia rappresentanza di personale coinvolto a vario titolo nelle Valutazioni Ambientali.

Il percorso formativo e-learning “Strumenti normativi e metodologici per la governance dei trapianti di Posidonia oceanica nell’ambito delle valutazioni ambientali (VIA e VINCA)” è stato attivato tra il 23 marzo e il 30 maggio 2022 ed effettuato in modalità Webinar asincrona sulla piattaforma FAD di ISPRA.

Following the first series of courses, thanks to the feedback collected from the participants and the interaction with Stakeholders, the contents of the webinars were further consolidated and enriched with the results of the analyses and products developed during the project (Manuals and Guidelines ). This led to the creation of e-learning courses, aimed at a wide representation of personnel involved in various capacities in Environmental Assessments.

The e-learning training course “Regulatory and methodological tools for the governance of Posidonia oceanica transplants in the context of environmental assessments (EIA and Appropriate Assessment)” was activated between 23 March and 30 May 2022 and carried out in asynchronous Webinar mode on ISPRA FAD platform.

The training course aimed to:

  • propose solutions to improve the governance of Posidonia oceanica transplants
  • transfer good practices for the management of Posidonia oceanica meadows in environmental assessments (EIA and Appropriate Assessment);
  • share the procedural process for the planning, implementation, monitoring and management of the Posidonia oceanica
  • transplant provide a critical analysis of Posidonia oceanica transplantation techniques and share different experiences;
  • provide criteria and metrics for monitoring Posidonia oceanica transplants as a tool to evaluate their effectiveness.
  • provide elements on natural capital and ecosystem services for the economic evaluation of the impacts on Posidonia oceanica meadows
  • provide low coding operational tools for the management of Posidonia oceanica meadows: the “Posidonia WEB Platform” (PTWP)

The course also includes a practical exercise to be carried out on the Posidonia Web Platform (PTWP) which allows students to interact interactively with the PTWP.

Here the agenda of the e-learning course:

23 March – 30 May  2022: E-learning “Strumenti normativi e metodologici per la governance dei trapianti di Posidonia oceanica nell’ambito delle valutazioni ambientali (VIA e VINCA)”